Even plants can be pretty. Orchid flowers are indeed beautiful plants. There are numerous species of orchids and accompanied by the beauty and the amazing fragrance is the impressive ability to adapt easily to different locations. Growing orchids require some work, time and care. You must give proper care to orchids. While there about more than 25,000 species of orchids some species require specific care and have specific preferences.
Orchids are great plants. The great beauty, elegance, and calmness that they symbolize are enough to say it isn’t just a plant. But, What meaning are these things if orchids do not bloom?
As you take the time to read, here are some of the best fertilizers you can choose from to feed orchids.
One of the many ways to care for orchids is by feeding them the right amount. A fertilizer for orchid plants should contain the necessary nutrients that they need to thrive. To feed them the right amount, you must choose the right type of fertilizers.
While you search for the right type of fertilizer, you may come across different types however, not all fertilizer is a perfect suit. How do you know the type to choose? Below are some of the best to choose from.
6 Best Fertilizers For Orchids Reviews
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Orchid Food
This fertilizer is one of the best for orchid plants and other plants that love acid. It strengthens the root and helps to grow bright and healthy green leaves. As you use this fertilizer, you can expect beautiful blooms. This is an effective fertilizer that helps you care for your orchids and bring about great results.
As you mix the adequate amount with water, you can feed orchids this mixture at the right time. This fertilizer contains 30% nitrogen, 10% potash, and 10% phosphate. These contents help your orchid plants to have firm roots, wide blooms as well as healthy leaves. The high nitrogen content makes it the perfect fit for orchids.
However, since it contains a high amount of urea nitrogen (27%), it can burn the leaves. Therefore, the instructions state that you shouldn’t apply it on the leaves. You should follow the instructions to keep your plants safe.
This fertilizer also contains micronutrients that end up having a great positive impact on orchids. It is indeed a good choice.
Key Features:
- Effective
- Affordable
- Universal
- Effective micronutrients
- Brand: Miracle-Gro
- Model: 1001991
- Easy to use
- Suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants
- Perfect for plants that love acid
- None
Miracle-Gro Ready-To-Use Orchid Plant Food Mist
This is another Miracle-Gro fertilizer that works so well with orchids. It provides moisture as well as nutrients for your orchids instantly.
By simply spraying the leaves and the roots of orchids with this fertilizer, you can expect great results. It is a perfect choice for all indoor orchids.
The NPK has an equal ratio of potash, nitrogen, and phosphate (0.02% each) which could have been 20% each if it’s a concentrated form. The NPK ratio is indeed great.
Since it’s a ready-to-use fertilizer, there’s no need to dilute it anymore. The ratio of the ammoniacal and Urea nitrogen is also perfect making it suitable for orchids without fear of burning.
Key Features:
- Affordable
- Perfect NPK ratio
- Ready-to-use
- Perfect ratio of ammoniacal and urea nitrogen
- Balanced nitrate content
- Brand: Miracle-Gro
- Model: 100195
- Easy to use
- Worth the money
- No need to measure
- No need to mix or dilute
- None
Miracle-Gro Orchid Plant Food Spikes
Here is a suitable and easy-to-use fertilizer. It provides adequate nutrients to your orchids. It is easy to use. simply cut the spikes and work them into the soil for even distribution. you feed the plants one of the required essential food by doing this.
It is the perfect fit for orchids during active growth. It contains 10% phosphate that aids firm roots and blooming, 10% nitrogen for bright and healthy leaves, and also 10% potash that impacts the general well-being of orchids, as well as helps, produces lasting and beautiful blooms. A high amount of urea nitrogen is known to be able to damage the orchid leaves or burn.
The Miracle-Gro fertilizer contains just 1 percentage of urea nitrogen accompanied by 3 percent ammoniacal nitrogen making it a perfect fit for orchids. Among the many nutritious contents is water-insoluble and water-soluble nitrogen. 1.8% and 4.2% respectively. The water-insoluble nitrogen can continuously feed for about 8 weeks while the water-soluble instantly feeds orchids.
Key Features:
- Effective
- Affordable
- 4.2% water-soluble and 1.8% water-insoluble nitrogen
- Appropriate Urea nitrogen content
- Balanced ammoniacal nitrogen content
- Brand: Miracle-gro
- Model: 1003661
- Easy to use
- Instant and continuous feeding
- Worth the money
- Safe for orchids
- Provides essential Nutrition
- None
EarthPods Premium Orchid Plant Food
This is another great choice for orchids. It is very easy to apply With effective results. It maximally assists in the growth of orchids. It helps produce healthy leaves and boosts blooming. It is easy to apply without wasting time; You do not need to start measuring nor does it create a mess. It comes in form of capsules.
It contains essential nutrients that orchids need to flourish. It contains nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. 1.3%, 1.2%, and 1.1 respectively which helps produce healthy leaves and beautiful blooms Calcium and magnesium aren’t an exception. The nutrients in this fertilizer are gotten from organic and natural components.
Follow instructions for application.
Key Features:
- Calcium and magnesium content
- Effective
- Organic and natural nutrients
- Brand: Earthworm Technologies
- Model: B079344QTQ
- Easy to use
- Fast application With staining your hands
- Creates no mess
- It doesn’t smell
- None
Sun Bulb Company 8303 Better Gro Orchid Plus
The Sun Bulb fertilizer is another perfect choice for orchids. Conventional potting mixes often get affected by some deficiencies and this fertilizer contains minor nutrients that are essential and can fight against such deficiencies.
It contains no urea, and contains nitrogen that fastens the growth of Orchids.
Key Features:
- Nitrogen content
- Urea free
- Affordable
- Effective
- Brand: Sun Bulb Company
- Model: 8303
- Easy to use
- Contains minor essential nutrients
- Includes fast-acting nitrate
- None
Grow more Orchid food
Grow more orchid food is another great and effective fertilizer that is suitable for various species of orchids. If you are growing more than one species of orchids, you do not need to start buying different fertilizers. With Grow More orchid food, you get to feed different species.
This is one of the things you need to provide plants with necessary nutrients. It provides nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in a 30-10-10 ratio.
Key Features:
- Multipurpose
- Nitrogen content
- Reduced biuret urea
- Effective
- Brands: Grow More
- Model: 5119
- Can be used for different species of orchids
- Contains the major essential nutrients
- None
What Do Orchids Require to Flourish?
Orchids require a balanced amount of air, water, light, food, and rest to flourish.
Without an adequate amount of light orchids will not bloom. As orchids require strong light, light that comes from the sun may become too intense and even burn the plants. The leaves are good clues of how much adequate light the orchids are getting.
Just like plants with bright green leaves denotes healthy plants so also in the case of orchids. However, the leaves can also be yellow. When it’s like that it is telling you that the plants are receiving too much light. In this circumstance, think about changing the location.
In the case of dark green leaves, the light the plants are getting is below adequate and enough.
Orchids must also get the right amount of air. With the help of air, orchids can fight against too much light that could burn the leaves. No air, only means that orchids could die from the disease, rot, or lack of carbon dioxide. For the watering part, it is an important part.
Watering is essential for all plants. However, while lack of water can be dangerous, too much water can be a threat to plant life. Therefore, the key is finding a balance.
Orchids require to be watered when they dry out. One of the most important things that plants require is fertilizer. Just like any other plant, fertilizing is an essential step. Fertilizing orchids is an important way to feed them what they need to remain healthy and bloom. With the right type and amount of fertilizer, your orchid plants will bear beautiful flowers.
Check out all the insights on flowers, plants, and more HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Grow beautiful orchid plants by following the necessities. You are probably curious about what to feed orchids, which fertilizer to choose or when to feed orchids. One mistake might ruin the work you’re doing so far. Therefore, you want to be sure and confident enough to care for orchids the right way.
You indeed need answers to many queries that will help you in the journey of growing great orchids that you’ve always wanted. This session will provide answers to such queries and others concerning care for orchids. Simply take time to go through it.
When Should You Feed Orchids?
Orchids are indeed beautiful plants but it takes some work to grow and maintain. When Orchids are brought indoors, we detach them from the environment and location that provide natural nutrients and keep them blooming. Therefore, when orchids are brought indoors, we must provide them with the nutrients that are enough to keep them growing and flourishing.
Providing Orchids with these nutrients requires fertilizer. Just like it is so essential that orchids get adequate light, circulating air and the right amount of water so also is feeding orchids fertilizer. However, you must choose the right type of fertilizer that will be able to meet the needs of orchids. When you adequately and timely fertilizer orchids, you give them exactly what they need to grow maximally and healthily.
But then, the question is, “when should I feed?”.
Orchids during the peak growth should be fertilised even 14 days and during the dormancy period, should be fertilized every month. During this dormancy period, it’s recommended to use a 30-10-10 orchid food and of course, make sure to dilute it to half strength. And when the blooming phase is approaching, a 20-20-20 fertilizer is the best.
The dormancy period generally falls in wintertime. During this period, orchids take a rest. So, fertilizing should either be on hold or be reduced, since it is when orchids need to strengthen their roots, bear leaves and reserve energy for the next blooming phase.
How Do You Fertilize Orchids With Coffee Grounds?
One of the best natural fertilizers for plants is coffee grounds. If you’ve always been getting rid of coffee grounds then it’s high time you stopped. Among the many plants that benefit from the nutrients of coffee grounds are orchids. As you save coffee grounds, compost them for feeding your plants.
Not only are coffee grounds easy to get it is also easy to use for plants. Whether you have a compost bin or not, one fast way to use coffee grounds putting them into the soil directly. Coffee grounds don’t instantly provide nitrogen for the soil instead it provides organic components and this is the first phase. These organic components help orchids to thrive and remain in a healthy condition.
In the following phase, microorganisms releases and break down the nutrients present in the coffee grounds. When coffee grounds decompose, the soil soaks up the nutrients while orchids obtain nutrients from the soil through the roots. Coffee grounds reduce the PH level of the soil and acidify the soil making it suitable for orchids.
Another great part of coffee grounds is the ease of use. Using coffee grounds requires no special skills or equipment. Below are the different approaches to applying coffee grounds. Add coffee grounds to potting mixes. Doing this will provide nutrients for the orchids as the grounds become part of the soil.
Another way is to add coffee grounds to the soil and leave them to decompose. Gradually, when the microorganisms start to work, the soil will absorb the nutrients. This approach might seem long since they must decay before plants start to absorb. If you wish to try another approach then you can try another one.
Make a tea fertilizer. Use coffee grounds to make a tea-like (water-soluble) fertilizer for orchids. Without using a coffee machine, simply brew using cold water. Leave the tea fertilizer for a day before filtering the grounds. Then apply it to the soil. This method is one way to jump the process of decomposition.
Are Teabags Good for Orchids?
Orchids require nitrogen for healthy growth. Orchids are among the plants that love acid therefore, fertilizers that can help increase the acidity of the soil is a good choice for orchids. There are indeed many kitchen wastes that could serve as fertilizer for plants.
Teabags are some of the kitchen wastes that can be used as fertilizer for different plants including orchids. Used teabags are a high source of nitrogen. The non-toxic organic matter present in teabags doesn’t produce a bad smell. Just as coffee grounds are easy to apply, so also are teabags. Simply pour the teabag content into the pot. While some microorganisms are good for plants, some are harmful.
Pests also are no friends of plants therefore, it is essential that you protect your orchids from such harmful microorganisms and pests Teabags are indeed a great solution. When you use teabags for orchids, you keep them safe and maintain a healthy condition. Earthworms are also like microorganisms they could either be harmful or good. However, the goal is to protect plants from harmful ones.
Here again, teabags come in. The multiple works of teabags are Indeed worth it and perfect for orchids. Are the orchids dying? Revive them by using tea bags. Teabags draw moisture to the soil and help orchids bloom again.
How Do I Get My Orchids to Bloom More?
Wouldn’t it be discouraging to wait endlessly only to see no flowers? Orchids could end up yielding no flowers. Imagine after developing, the buds withered without opening. No one wants such to happen. Many things could serve as an obstacle to blooming and it requires little adjustments to make amendments.
Lack of Enough Light
One Paramount reason why orchids do not bloom is the lack of enough light. Light is an important aspect of orchids life. Without light, orchids will not bloom therefore, you must light for orchids to get good results. If you place orchids in a shady place or a dim location, it is high time you changed the location.
However, full sun isn’t the solution or you might be asking for sunburn. Neither should you subject orchids to full artificial light since it can hinder blooming. A moderate amount of light is needed.
Too Much Light
Lack of light can indeed hinder blooming however, too much light isn’t the solution. Too much sunlight may cause the leaves to burn also when the artificial like is overabundant, then it can also stop orchids from blooming. To avoid these, make sure your orchids get a balanced amount of light.
For orchids, they do not need plenty amount of fertilizer. Feed orchids this right type of fertilizer that will help boost the performance as well as provide nitrogen. When orchids get the necessary nutrients, they grow and bloom well.
Lack of Enough Water
Water is important for plants’ growth. Every plant needs water and orchids aren’t exempted. When orchids don’t get enough water, their growth gets hampered. For some people, in the bid to avoid giving orchids too much water, they end up giving little water which could cause orchids to wither.
If the orchid gets so dehydrated, it starts to preserve itself by collecting water from the buds that are in the developing phase. As the plants draw water to feed the roots and leaves, the buds will wither.
Too Much Water
While watering orchids, be careful to not give too much water. You might be worried about giving orchids little water however, remember that you do not overwater. Too much water can cause orchids to fail to bloom or even die.
The orchids that might shed their buds because of too much water are the ones that are about to bloom. The leaves of orchids are prone to withering if you overwater. Finding a balance is important.
Do Orchids Like Coffee Grounds?
Orchids love coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are one of the most effective natural fertilizers. Most people who grow plants have acknowledged coffee grounds as a fertilizer that assists plant growth. Orchids along with other plants that love acid greatly benefit from coffee grounds. Why get rid of coffee grounds when your orchids love it? Coffee grounds contains nitrogen and other nutrients essential for the growth of orchids.
As you save coffee grounds, compost them for feeding your orchids. Coffee grounds are easy to get and easy to use. Whether you have a compost container or not, one fast way to use coffee grounds putting them into the soil directly. Coffee provides organic components. These organic components help orchids to thrive and remain in a healthy condition.
Microorganisms release the nutrients in the coffee grounds and break them down. As coffee grounds decompose, the soil soaks up the nutrients while orchids obtain nutrients from the soil through the roots. Coffee grounds also reduce the PH level of the soil and acidify the soil making it suitable for orchids.
Are Eggshells Good for Orchids?
Knowing that fertilizers are important if you’re growing orchids, Are you looking for a fertilizer that is easy to get without stressing yourself or spending money? Then make do with eggshells. Eggshells are filled with a large amount of potassium and calcium. And these nutrients play a great role in the growth of orchids. Now you know that you shouldn’t throw away eggshells rather, save them. Using a mortar and pestle or a blender, crush the eggshells and add them to the soil. Just like coffee grounds, eggshells are suitable for plants that love acid.
Since orchids are blessed with bright flowers, these beautiful plants attract pests of different kinds. Pests are no friends of plants. They will only damage orchids. Of course, a pesticide is a solution when it comes to repelling plants however, it’s not the only solution.
Eggshells serve as organic fertilizer. With the use of eggshells, you can repel these harmful pests. After crushing eggshells, spread it on the soil this will from getting to your orchids.
Are Banana Peels Good for Orchids?
Banana is rich in minerals and vitamins and the same applies to peels. Bananas are nutritious for humans and can also provide nutrients to the soil. Using banana peels is one of the natural ways to feed orchids essential nutrients. Why not feed your orchids bananas. Oh no! Not that you need to include buying bananas for orchids in your budget. You don’t need to feed orchids the banana but rather, the peels.
The peels contain the same nutrients that bananas have. Banana peels might not be enough to give orchids everything they to grow and thrive but, orchids will benefit greatly. By feeding orchids banana peels, you are feeding them phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium as well as potash (not in large quantity).
Banana peels can be compared to slow-release fertilizers. Since using only banana peels is not enough, make use of banana peels in between regular fertilizers. It will serve as extra nutrients.
Do Orchids Like Epsom Salt?
Epsom salt has been in existence for centuries. Since long ago, Epsom salt is used for numerous reasons. Such as using it as a treatment for the human body as well as using it when it comes to agriculture. Like any other plant, orchids require fertilizers.
When the major nutrients that aid plants’ growth (nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus) are accompanied by other lesser nutrients(sulfur and magnesium) plants will be at their best. Sulfur and magnesium can be found in Epsom salt, in terms of weight, sulfur and magnesium make up to 25 percent.
Magnesium is vital for orchids. Compared to other nutrients, orchid roots absorb magnesium and distribute it to the whole plant. As magnesium circulates through the orchid, the orchid tries to protect new leaves from any type of deficiencies and this act is often detrimental to the old leaves.
If you want to see your orchids produce more blooms, try using Epsom salt. It also helps yield healthy bright leaves and maintain the good condition of Orchids.
Should You Mist Orchids?
Do you also find it confusing when it comes to misting orchids or not? The fact is that you increase the risk of orchids developing a bacterial or fungal disease once you venture into misting orchids. Since the goal is to increase the humidity level, rather than misting there are other ways to increase the humidity level. However, if you can find your way around managing timing and ventilation which helps reduce the risk then, misting will be a beneficial method.
Just as misting has good sides, the downsides shouldn’t be overlooked. Once you start misting, you put orchids at the risk of crown rots or fungal spot on the flowers. Since there are other options for increasing the humidity level, misting can be done away with. When misting isn’t always done, orchids lose water and end up getting dehydrated.
Is Miracle Grow Good for Orchids?
The miracle Grow fertilizers come in different types each suiting different plants. When plants lack nutrients, their growth will be affected and you can’t expect them to produce blossom as they should. That’s why Miracle Grow fertilizers are some of the best.
Miracle Grow fertilizers contain the 3 important nutrients that plants need to grow and flourish. The nutrients that each plant need, often differs therefore, you must choose a fertilizer that meets the prerequisites. It’s not about the maker but the content and the potency.
For orchids to grow and bloom, they want
- nitrogen
- potassium
- phosphorus.
Each of these nutrients is important and plays a great impact on orchids. With the mixture of the 3 nutrients, the leaves of the orchid will maintain a bright green colour and the plants will rebloom as they should normally do. Also, when choosing a fertilizer, you want to check if other micronutrients are present. These nutrients also influence the growth of orchids.
So if you are curious if Miracle Grow is good for orchids, simply note if it meets these standards. Absolutely! It does. It contains the major nutrients as well as other micronutrients that will foster the growth of orchids and help produce beautiful blooms.
As you use Miracle Grow on your plants, you can be sure of positive results. Wouldn’t it be great and gladdening to see your orchids bear healthy leaves and gorgeous flowers?
Check out more content like this on our website.
Orchids are great plants. Their beautiful blooms light up a place. Because of the beauty, a lot of people grow orchids at home. When we grow orchids indoors, we must feed them with everything they need to grow and bloom.
Of what use is an orchid that doesn’t bear flowers? This happens when orchids lack their necessities or aren’t taken care of properly. This article has discussed different types of fertilizers to use for orchids to achieve good blooming orchid plants. It has also noted different queries concerning growing orchids, using natural fertilizers, and applying them to orchids to maintain a good health condition and beautiful blooms.
As you carefully digest this article, you’ll be able to choose the right fertilizer and learn more about caring for your orchids. And as you chose the right type of fertilizer and use it adequately, you’ll see your orchids bloom in pretty and colorful flowers.
Also, see