About Us

Landscaping has never felt like a job, I find it relaxing and fulfilling. My passion is to encourage others to find their love for landscaping, gardening, and outdoor living if they have not made that discovery yet. The way to do that is to provide an abundant resource to encourage all of that.

That was my motivation to establish Paulino Gardens, the bountiful resource surrounding landscaping, gardening, and outdoor living. Another purpose of the site is to provide ample information and inspiration to avid landscapers and gardeners.

Paulino Gardens provides you with the elite information you need on landscaping advice, as well as gardening and information on flowers and plants. The site also provides you with much information on treehouses, birdhouses, and designing your garden.

There is also a hands-on review section for landscaping and gardening tools and equipment and outdoor furniture and appliances written and recommended by the contributors and myself.

scott ashtonScott Ashton

Editor in Chief

Check out LinkedIn Here.

Scott Ashton was born in a suburb of Portland, Oregon, and had always loved the outdoors. He was a nervous child and found the outdoors and greenery to calm him significantly. Scott was still the creative type, and since he had a desire to work in a field involving the outdoors, he decided to go into landscaping when he was in high school.

After high school, he had post-secondary training in landscaping and worked as a junior landscaper in a co-op program. After finishing the program, Scott began working full-time as a landscaper at the company where he worked during his co-op program.

Scott is married with two sons and a German Shepherd, and he enjoys hanging in his treehouse with his boys. His family enjoys going on nature walks and camping excursions.

Scott always wanted to provide a resource on gardening, landscaping, and outdoor living behind his reason for establishing Paulino Gardens. He receives help from the contributors to keep the site running and provide good quality and engaging content.

Mathew tayMatthew Tay

Content Consultant

Matthew Tay was born in Boise, Idaho, and spent much of his time outdoors during his youth. His parents were into gardening, and when Mattew was ten years old, he began showing interest in developing a green thumb.

His affinity for gardening and the outdoors grew as he got older, and after graduating high school, Matthew went for training to become a gardener.

After the training Matthew received, he began working at a greenhouse and then landed a gardening job not long after at a landscaping company.

Matthew is the gardener who regularly contributes gardening content at Paulino Gardens. Aside from that, Matthew enjoys camping, traveling, winter sports, and barbequing.

amy nashAmy Nash

Writer, Researcher, and Product Reviewer

Amy Nash was born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and enjoyed her youth days at the beach. She also spent a lot of her youth camping and walking on nature trails. Amy did not know what she wanted to do for a living during her youth, and that is why she took a business diploma course at a local college.

After graduating, Amy landed a job as a receptionist at a small local manufacturing company. She wanted to make extra money, so she developed her writing skills while she was not working.

Amy’s interests always involved the outdoors and the home, her writing niche and she offers ghostwriting services in the home and garden niche.

Amy is now living in White Rock, British Columbia, and has a toddler at home. She enjoys looking for shopping deals, scrapbooking, and craft-making. She contributes excellent content to Paulino Gardens.

pamela claptonPamela Clapton

Content Consultant & Photographer

Pamela Clapton was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska, and she had the advantage of living in an area with gorgeous scenery. After getting a disposable camera for her birthday, Pamela began taking pictures of the lovely outdoor view with it.

Her interest in photography flourished as she matured. When she had time off during the summer when she was in high school, she traveled to the Arctic and took pictures of the coastal plains and picturesque fjords, among other elements.

Pamela attended the University of Alaska, achieved her Bachelor’s in Photography, and now specializes in landscape photography. She is also a worthwhile contributor to Paulino Gardens.

After Pamela got married, she moved to San Diego, California, and works as a landscape photographer. Pamela is married with two children, has a dog and a cat, and enjoys going to the beach, traveling, and camping.

She hopes her children someday share the same interest in photography that she had since she was young. However, Pamela supports the path that her children choose even if it is not in photography.

She works as a content consultant and photographer at Paulino Gardens.


  • Michael Johnson

    Michael is a well respected author and blogger who loves running, playing sports, hanging out with his family and friends, and absolutely loves a good home cooked meal!

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